Yesterday I reclaimed my house.
I'm embarrassed to say it was taken over by piles, stuff, dust, school, things, recycling, junk... it looked like a crazy cat lady should live here (except so bad that the cats would have taken off a LONG time ago!) When my schedule began to get so full, I resorted to only barely keeping up with laundry and dishes-- if it didn't stink, I couldn't take time to deal with it.
This isn't really anything new in my world. This cycle is "normal," but when it gets to the out-of-control-stage, I hate it! It makes me lethargic at home so that instead of using the limited time doing all the things I need to do, somehow, I spend hours doing nothing and digging a deeper hole for myself over time.
Sunny weather returning does seem to help me in the motivation department as well as seeing the end of the school year in sight-- and needing to leave this place in a state of organization so I can come back and hit the ground running in August!
So, the desire to fix it was there but if I was a tidy organized person who could figure out how best to clean things up, I wouldn't be in this mess. People like me (and I'm told there are many of us out there!) need someone to show us the way to live like the highly advanced lifeforms that we are; because left to myself, I could be the proof that scientists are looking for that we all evolved from hyenas!
So, thank you Ellie for telling me about flylady I got some tips on how to "crisis clean" and then how to keep up on all the little things that I feel completely helpless to conquer on a regular basis. The bottom line is-- you can do a lot in 15 minutes! (and you can't do everything at once so don't beat yourself up trying)
My encouragement to me today-- enjoy seeing the floor and some table surface areas!
My encouragement to you today-- if you feel helpless, get help! There are people in this world who are good at the things you're not.... and they probably have a website
Have a great day!
I'm embarrassed to say it was taken over by piles, stuff, dust, school, things, recycling, junk... it looked like a crazy cat lady should live here (except so bad that the cats would have taken off a LONG time ago!) When my schedule began to get so full, I resorted to only barely keeping up with laundry and dishes-- if it didn't stink, I couldn't take time to deal with it.
This isn't really anything new in my world. This cycle is "normal," but when it gets to the out-of-control-stage, I hate it! It makes me lethargic at home so that instead of using the limited time doing all the things I need to do, somehow, I spend hours doing nothing and digging a deeper hole for myself over time.
Sunny weather returning does seem to help me in the motivation department as well as seeing the end of the school year in sight-- and needing to leave this place in a state of organization so I can come back and hit the ground running in August!
So, the desire to fix it was there but if I was a tidy organized person who could figure out how best to clean things up, I wouldn't be in this mess. People like me (and I'm told there are many of us out there!) need someone to show us the way to live like the highly advanced lifeforms that we are; because left to myself, I could be the proof that scientists are looking for that we all evolved from hyenas!
So, thank you Ellie for telling me about flylady I got some tips on how to "crisis clean" and then how to keep up on all the little things that I feel completely helpless to conquer on a regular basis. The bottom line is-- you can do a lot in 15 minutes! (and you can't do everything at once so don't beat yourself up trying)
My encouragement to me today-- enjoy seeing the floor and some table surface areas!
My encouragement to you today-- if you feel helpless, get help! There are people in this world who are good at the things you're not.... and they probably have a website
Have a great day!