Sunday, August 20, 2006


Changes to this blog:
  • new layout
  • I'm now on the Blogger Beta program, so there are some new features I can play with and some old ones they haven't worked out yet
  • Still no fix for the Internet Explorer formatting problem...
Changes in plans:
  • Sylvia and I were planning to try the new church today, but she had a minor family emergency come up (her extended family lives near here), so we're on for next week.
  • Yesterday was supposed to be a school work day, but it turned out to be only shopping errands, so today I'll work on plans for the coming week.
Changes in clothes:
  • I need some, so I'm off to do laundry now =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tammi -

I just found out that Ross and Allison know you. They gave me your blog. Hope i'm using it right. Missed you this summer but I'm glad you are following your dream and His vision for you. Hey, Sheri is back working for us! It's great because she adds maturity that we really need. I'll try to stay up with what you are doing every now and then. We just started attending Salem Alliance so that's how I met Ross & Allison. Take care and God Bless,
Doug Gray