When I realize it's only been 3 weeks since I woke up here for the first time, it's hard to believe all the things I've learned, done, and seen!
Highlights of this week:
~Remembering a tiny percentage of the names I need to know.
~Getting started as a sponsor teacher for the "Insider" student magazine team (published at least twice a year, it's a compilation of student writing and news.)
~Giving my seniors their first "hard" quiz of the year

~Joining the Speech & Debate program to help coach students for upcoming meets.
~Went out alone and walked the town one evening-- explored back roads, people watched, and used my 2 Korean phrases lots of times!
~We had a TGIF BBQ on the school terrace (Western burgers and Korean bulgogi along with a huge pot-luck spread!) with ALL the staff from teachers to office staff to security guards and school board-- here that's a big deal because it also means a mix of Canadians, Americans, Australians, Koreans, etc. and not everyone speaks English; but there are enough interpreters to go around and we even got to know the cleaning ladies =) It was hours of enjoyable time spent with new friends. I was too tired to join the impromptu Nori-Bang trip (that's a place with karaoke rooms for groups to use for entertaining themselves), but I expect they had a lot of fun and I'll go next time...
~I'm now certified as a registered alien and I have the card to prove it. I don't have to hide that third eye anymore!
~We're looking into a Christmas break trip somewhere, maybe Thailand, Japan, somewhere South Korea, or other places unknown.... we'll see!
Hey Tammi,
I've been checking your blog every day, it's cool to be "sharing" some of this with you. Andy and I went to an authentic Korean restaurant last night and I kept thinking, "I wonder if Tammi is eating this?" My prayers and thoughts are with you, and I'll be sure to let you know when baby #2 gets here. Love, Mindy
Thanks for checking in Minners =)
Korean food is very fun-- no room for being too picky, but something new around every corner.
So many adventures in your world too! I'm excited to hear about your new digs-- have any pictures yet? Praying your baby arrives healthy and ready to be loved by big brother!
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