Each class is supposed to plan a day trip to bond and have fun as a group; I’m an adviser for ½ the Senior class. The junior and senior classes picked the same day and same place, so it was an even larger group bonding (though most of the time we were all on separate rides or eating lunch in different places =)
This ride was a distinct experience!
I sat in chair with a shoulder harness, we were raised partway up the column and then let go in a free fall.
An amazing thing happens: an uncontrollable fear seizes your mind and every rational thought is pushed aside by the assurance that you're about to die. I knew that I wouldn't fall out, I knew that the ride catches you before the ground is even close, I knew that I wouldn't puke, and yet, I felt like feel in water (my true irrational fear). After the first plunge, there was no more fear, it was just fun, but the I-just-cheated-death rush doesn't leave right away even though it was fake =)
So, Thursday I was gone from school all day getting my adrenalin fix, and the next day I left right after lunch for our first Speech&Debate meet! I got to judge the events too. The meets cover Friday afternoon through the evening and all day Saturday. Then with church on Sunday, my weekend was almost gone before it even started! So much for all the grading I've got piling up.
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