In many ways, it wasn't too much different than a Western wedding-- except for the fact that I couldn't understand a word of it. When we arrived (all dressed up and on our best behavior, of course), I was surprised to see the bride all decked out in her beautiful gown in a room right off the front lobby-- we all took turns taking pictures with her!

Then we went into the ceremony hall and it was set up as a banguet room. We found a our tables and watched the bride and groom grow up before our eyes in a slide show while munching on fancy rice cakes. After the mothers were announced and seated, the groom

Actually, Korean weddings don't require full attention from even the guests who speak the language! Cell phones were ringing, conversations continued at normal volume throughout the ceremony, and the attention of the guests was rarely focused at the front. But when they were introduced as man and wife, everyone turned their attention to the proceedings again to clap and cheer!

The happy couple had hardly left the room when the servers began bringing out the food. It was all very yummy and quick and before we knew it, dessert was finished and people were beginning to leave.
So, just like that, my first Korean wedding was over and it was time to look forward to next morninging's departure to Jeju Island for Thanksgiving break!
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