Since I last wrote, I've flown hundreds of miles, received SO much, been baptized, turned to a new year in the calendar, fought with the old procrastination monster, dragged through some bummed-out-in-a-funk-for-no-reason sludge, shopped at Costco, tried more new food, made new friends, clipped my toenails, survived the first week back to school and generally stood in awe of the amazing passage of time as it all happened. How does time go so fast?
I did make one New Year's resolution:
#1 quit apologizing for failure to update the blog at regular intervals.
So that's why I can't go into all the lame "reasons" that this site hasn't been updated with the happenings here in Korea, why I haven't posted any vacation pictures, or even posted a knock-knock joke. I can't tell you that I have felt guilty for not writing and felt even more guilty for not
feeling like writing. There will be no mention here of how I know that guilt over something that should just be for fun turns my brain inside out, but I go ahead and let the silly guilt-monger play with my gray-matter anyway. It would probably be OK to tell you that I realized that one reason I didn't want to post was that writing about "what I did on my Christmas vacation" seemed like far more work than it was worth and another quasi-resolution I made was that I won't feel the need to post what I think I "should" but only what has a burning desire to jump out of my head, heart, and spirit; for me, writing tends to be such a time-consuming and weighty activity that if I'm going to expend the care, it should be on something that also really matters. Of course, if I told you that last part without the first part (which I can't--see resolution #1), it would be out of context and probably sound all snooty and artsy-martyr-ish. So, I'm sure you now see why you won't read any of this in my newly guilt-free blog.
May God bless you all as you take a flying leap into this new year with all its mystery and promise of His faithfulness!
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