Valentine's Day!
Since my school is very Western, we did acknowledge the holiday, but it's not all-encompassing like in the states. This means that people don't feel the pressure of obligation to give gifts or glittery cards and balloons (they have other holidays for obligated show-you-care-or-else! =) With the pressured tokens of love and friendship out of the way, every little token you receive means a million times more!
Disclaimer: my experience is limited to the "single" world-- those who are married or otherwise attached may be held to a higher level of obligation
The other difference is that the majority of my middle school and high school students aren't straining for relationships and wishing that they had "someone to share the holiday with." This has brought many a student/friend to tears on this day back home. Though I could empathize, I could never really identify with these feelings, so it follows that I'm much more comfortable with the celebration here. Don't get me wrong, there are MANY single-wishing-I-wasn't friends in my church and school circles here, but since V-day doesn't belong to Korea, it isn't rubbed in their faces so much.
In fact, I saw this movie that I loved for how it dealt with being not-yet-married-or-maybe-ever in a culture that expects marriage to be top priority for every citizen: Miss Potter. It's a chic-flick; but the cinematography is also incredible if you're not into the chicky thing! I found it funny with some great one-liners from spunky single-but-determined-to-live-life-anyway characters. I often find movies "funny" when really they are described by others as "touching" or "sweet," but then, I find most of life funny, so I'm not a reliable movie scale-- see it for yourself =)
I like the heart/love/chocolate/show-u-care day here! It gives us all a chance to breath for a moment and remind each other that "you matter to me and I love you!" I've always wondered if V-day really could be that simple-- in a country without Hallmark, it can. Of course, it helps that the steady stream of sugar entering my body today came in the form of chocolate
In relation to yesterday's blog entry, V-day is also an opportunity remember that I'm not that person anymore: the one who *never* wants to get married. I find myself in those old patterns of thinking (cynical) at times and forget that God has changed my heart to be willing for whatever He has in store-- even giving up being single
**I mention this because some of you never knew that my mindset was changed and the last thing you heard from me was a few years ago and it was emphatically against what you know as a wonderful blessing-- yes, you may take this moment to say "I told you so" =)
**and don't get so excited, this is not a sneaky introduction of a "special someone" in my life-- all my chocolate came from students and female co-workers-- no prince charming on the horizon that I am aware of.
So, as we wrap up Valentine's day here in the Asian time zones, enjoy yours just dawning on the other side of the globe. Beyond all the hype, it's a great holiday to remember what/who matters in your world. Hug the ones you love and don't say no to chocolate!
Okay...I'm reading backwards, and saying that I totally want to see Miss Potter..and that it isn't here yet. Linda Mitcham is going with me. Okay...back to reading. Thanks for the 'zac' call tonight! :o) Love, Brownie
about marriage...yea for heartchanges...and yea for chocolate...
WAAH is outstanding... :o)
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