"We shall not cease from exploration... the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
T. S. Eliot
Friday, November 10, 2006
Meanwhile, back at the ranch....
The cutest little kids in the world are growing up in Oregon!
my niece and nephew: (3 months and almost 4)
Isn't it crazy how much K looks like Logan did? It is nice to show Logan pics of you and what you are doing, and then to tell him how much you love and miss them, that you even put a pic of them on your "story".
Love ya lots, and know that you are prayed for DAILY by Logan at 1:15pm-ish and 8:00 pm sharp. love ya. have a great day
I just can't contain their pictures-- I keep them in my wallet and they pop out often! People all over Korea are getting the chance to see the cutest kids in the world =) The holidays will be much different without all the time to catch up and hang out together! Thanks for all the prayers-- God is most definitely FAITHFUL! I'm Lifting you all up in prayer as well.
After talking about it for a couple years, I'm teaching overseas. Though I wouldn't say that adventure is my middle name, I'm enjoying the new sights, smells, and flavors of this culture I get to be a part of. I wanted something to write about and there will be plenty to draw from here!
Isn't it crazy how much K looks like Logan did? It is nice to show Logan pics of you and what you are doing, and then to tell him how much you love and miss them, that you even put a pic of them on your "story".
Love ya lots, and know that you are prayed for DAILY by Logan at 1:15pm-ish and 8:00 pm sharp. love ya. have a great day
I just can't contain their pictures-- I keep them in my wallet and they pop out often! People all over Korea are getting the chance to see the cutest kids in the world =)
The holidays will be much different without all the time to catch up and hang out together!
Thanks for all the prayers-- God is most definitely FAITHFUL! I'm Lifting you all up in prayer as well.
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