Friday, April 20, 2007

Feast away!

Just one more Friday Feast and then I promise to put up a blog of more substance soon!

When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite?

Periwinkle or Cornflower (for some odd reason I HATED orange, so that was always the sharpest while the mamby-pamby purply-blue colors were down to nubs =)

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move?

Well, this has already been answered as a 10 since I'm writing this blog from Korea where moved for a job 8 months ago; but now, it was such a great move that I'm closer to a 1-- an order from God is the only thing that could tear me away from here =)

Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add them up, one by one. What’s the total?

85... you want croutons with that?

Main Course
Have you ever “re-gifted” anything? If so, what was it and who did you pass it on to?

Is this a trap?! I'm a firm believer in re-gifting (I think this might actually be a spiritual gift or a fruit of the Spirit that Paul forgot =) Part of what makes it work is that you don't tell-- kinda like birthday wishes! Now, there's a GREAT laugh-till-you-cry story of re-gifting in my family, but it's not mine to tell, so I'll have to quit stalling and actually serve up the answer now even if it means that people reading this find out that I didn't keep the gifts they gave me OR that the gifts I gave them didn't take hours to find in a store (just in my disorganized gift closet)...

Address books have been passed to people who would actually use them; lotions that make me sneeze have been wrapped up for people who don't have allergy problems; and almost anything with a combination of an apple and the word "teacher" on it finds its way to others who might appreciate it more than I

Name something you need from the store.

a clicker*

*(noun) [k-lik-ur] miniature flame thrower used for lighting candles inside decorative holders, lighting BBQs when the "sparker" dies, and anything else needing lit on fire yet requiring an extension from the hand. ex. "Where did you put the clicker? does anyone know where the clicker is?! Why can't you put the clicker back where you found it?!?" (note: this can also pertain to the other form of "clicker" which is used for changing channels on the television)

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