Thursday, August 17, 2006

Life's little ironies...

... You can become more energized and more ready to take on whatever life hands out if you "waste" time with people and take part in the wider world instead of "working" so much on getting everything so prepared that life can't surprise you...

... The computer always works-- until you're in a hurry...

... I always have a camera strapped to my neck until something really picture-worthy comes up-- then it's at home...

... If your roof ever leaks, it never happens to be right over the plant that needs watering...

... The cell phone that tagged along on my journey was only to give me the phone numbers I have stored in it, since I no longer have an account on this phone, I expected nothing more-- now it can't give me the numbers because it can't find a signal...

... The "shower" water is the perfect temerature while washing my hair and face, but when I start to spray the rest of me, it suddenly turns cold until I turn it away from me only to find the warm water is back (rinse and repeat =)...

... When I first got here, I couldn't sleep past 5 am when the sun came up. Slowly that moved to 6 and then 6:30 all those mornings when I didn't have to be anywhere until 10 am-- now that I have to be up, ready, and awake for school, I could probably sleep till noon...

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